Thursday 20 October 2011


If you are not familiar with this string of numbers it is the numerical definition of PI.
π is an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly.
My reason for choosing this as a topic to ponder on is because to me, life is very 
much like PI.
Life is, and always will be, even if one chooses not to recognize all aspects of it, 
they still remain. One trait about a perfect circle is that it can roll or spin yet it will 
only touch a flat surface at exactly one point. To give you a perspective of your 
standing on this earth all you need remember is that no matter how important 
or successful you are you as a person will only ever occupy a few feet of the
planet at any given time.
Given the fact that the earth is 24,000 miles in circumference and there are 5280 feet
 in a mile you are looking at 126,720,000 linear feet...It would take a human 800 days 
to walk around the earth if 30 miles were traversed in a day.
Take into consideration it only takes the earth a span of 24 hours to complete one rotation. 
So the next time you think that life coming at you at 1,000 miles per hour, it pretty much is.

My point in listing out all these numbers and definitions is to make a point. 
You cannot change everything. You can however influence your immediate surroundings
and the people that you come into contact with, negatively or positively.
A persons impact in there life is not what they fashioned by hand, but what they fashioned 
with their heart and mind. The legacy that is left behind will outlast any structure. 

Sometimes we loose perspective, get wrapped up in the chaos of life and forget that 
we are just one piece of a massive entity.To survive it is important to accept that there
are many things you cannot change or prevent and decide to focus your energy on the 
things you can influence.

I find myself going through cycles where my mind begins to ponder on things that are out
 of my control or even comprehension.
Before I know it I am stressed out and no longer productive.
Eventually I realize that I have digressed and make my way back to solid ground where I can 
walk at ease and positively effect those around me, as it should be.

I am sorry if this was long winded. Sometimes it takes me a while to discover the true topic of
my ramblings.
Now I must sleep.

Sunday 2 October 2011

version 2.0

At the speed of life
It seems that time goes faster each year than it did the year before. One minute it is spring and everything is turning green, the next minute, leaves are starting to turn and the brisk morning air hints of a long cold winter.
Memories become a blur, minor events fall to the background so that only the most salient remain.
When looking back over this past year and the events therein, it has been a substantially busy year. Life is always rife with stumbling blocks, tough decisions and way more drama than should be legal, but it is also filled with smiles, laughter and memories that will sustain you through the tough times.
With every bruise there are lessons that can and should be learned. Much like with a child learning the difference between hot and cold, you can tell them the words, but until they associate a feeling with the words they mean nothing. With every new territory there is a learning curve. You not only guaranteed to fail but to crash and burn. The real test with any situation is your ability to pick up the ashes and rebuild with a new understanding, thus making your foundation that much stronger.
Currently I am in the midst of a multitude of life lessons, hanging on for dear life hoping that when I land my feet are secure.
It is a fair statement that this year will drastically define then next five years of my future. Hopefully I will have wisdom enough to choose wisely the path I will walk, and then live with it.
In all this it is important to remember a very essential part to life. Sleep. Something that I rarely get enough of.
What sleep I do get is normally tainted by an overactive mind, which is a bi-product of the stimuli I get from the ride we call life.
For tonight I hope that I have downloaded enough thoughts to have a peaceful night, enabling me to continue to go into the mortuary that is defined as my current employment.

Saturday 24 September 2011


Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

I have been spending the past few days learning HTML and CSS Style Sheets. So I have decided to write a blog using the HTML portion of blogger. Work this week has been very slow and what work there is, has been mind-numbing. I have been filling the hours by studying and trying to advance myself in any way I can with the tools I have available to me.

Google is my personal Guru, as long as you know the question you need to ask you are more than likely to find what you need. There is little or no need these days to go out and buy a book on programming, between Youtube, Blogger, MSDN, w3, and 4GuysFromRolla you can find just about anything you could ever want to know about most of the popular programming languages that are currently out there.

On a slightly different subject I loaded a ASUS EeePC Notebook with Debian Linux today in order to make it run faster. This is my first time using any Linux version of OS, I am looking forward to seeing what Linux has to offer. There is commonly a large gap that separates Microsoft users and Linux users.The Development environment of Microsoft is .Net and SQL Server is the Database engine VS. the Linux environment called LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySql,PHP) all of which are open source (i.e. free or very close to it.)

My eyes are now quite heavy as I started this entry last night and am trying to finish it on only a few hours of sleep, so the last half may seem a bit scattered. I apologize. I will say Adieu until my next entry. May your weekend be a pleasant one!


Thursday 22 September 2011

Learning Binge

There are points in my life at which I become highly motivated and focused, more so than usual, this is one of those times.
 I have an interview in a little over a week, one that might prove to be a doorway into a much faster paced and  higher paying job.
Of course with any job change there is a certain amount of leaning that must be done, in addition to that this would be a change in skill sets and thus will require that much more study.
Most of my coding experience has been with Windows Forms Applications constructed in the .Net environment. Now I will be getting into the Web Based side of things. Working with HTML5, JSON, Jquery, Jscript, as well as expanding my knowledge of and C#.
Learning is cathartic, it helps to distract and structure thoughts as well as build confidence with every success!
The trick to learning is to find the path that your mind absorbs information best, which is different for everyone.
I learn by immersion. If I can surround myself with experiences and people who know far more than I do, then I will soon begin to mimic the traits and how the experienced handle a given situation.
Choose your teachers, don't just learn from anyone. Much like I will say if at all possible choose your boss, then choosing you comes second.
There are many changes that lie ahead for me in life, some will be good others I am sure will be hard, but the things that make people remembered for years is not how easy life was for them, but what they did to overcome the hardships and trials that were given to them. Boring people rarely make history.
So be adventurous! Do what makes you happy, even if that means you have to get a little bruised in the process of finding out what makes you happy, in the long run, it is a solid investment.

Friday 16 September 2011


  \puhnk-TIL-ee-uhs\ , adjective;
Strictly attentive to the details of form in action or conduct; 
precise; exact in the smallest particulars.

I had a desire to write but no topic that I desired to write about. 
So I decided to have a look at the Thesaurus word of the day and write on whatever word 
it decided to dispense.
Punctilious, it is a word that stumbles from your mouth and makes you question if you stated it properly, which in and of it self is the definition of the word. If you question and examine
 every detail of the word as it is spoken you are being punctilious. 

Many times people glance over the small details about a situation and only focus on the 
blatantly obvious, thus missing 90% of the happenings of any given situation.

I am OCD in but only about certain things, I notice small details, things that most people have 
no care to even recognize. However this attribute gives me an edge in many facets of life,
including my profession.
I am a low end software developer and tester as well as a dozen other things.
Since my OCD is of the punctilious nature I tend to notice the small differences in a piece of 
software I am working on, or an issue I am debugging.

The biggest issue with having a punctilious nature is not being able to turn it off. Sometimes your
mind gets so full of processes or the tiny differences between systems that you can't see the 
obvious issue, like a cable not being plugged in or a setting that you forgot to reset. 

Sometimes in life we do this too. Get so busy removing screws and bolts so the examination may
begin that we never noticing the lack of batteries that are required to run the equipment.

So remember to take a break every once and a while, exchange the oxygen and the scenery.
Clear you mind sometimes the answer will be staring you in the face when you open your eyes.

That is all for today. Goodnight.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Musings of a Professional Nature

Our Profession, whether it is the 9-5 office job, working the third shift in a factory or being the caretaker of a young family, professions take up the majority of our lives. Life after the workday normally consists of trying to cram in as much life as possible before you have to darken the doors of you job once again. The day in day out struggle to keep ahead of the curve, to preform according to the standards of those who have been placed over us however unqualified they may be.  There is an oppressive wave of stress that is sure to batter you into submission until you can take it no more. Stress can effect every aspect of you life in a negative way, even the things you love and enjoy will fall into the category of things you don't have time for or can't enjoy because there is no peace to be had.
It is important to find a way to shed this stress, to get it out of your system. Some people play golf, go hiking, running, play paintball, something to get the blood flowing and exchange the oxygen in the blood stream.
I play guitar or spend time with people I value in my life. Sometimes, both at once.  The important things in life are not easily replaced or very often found, so when you find happiness hold onto it, cherish it.  Much like love, happiness must be maintained, it is not self sustaining but is more like a garden. The more attention and care given the more rewarding it is.

Work is a vital part of life, without it we cannot survive. Life is expensive, but well worth the investment.
What I encourage is this, find a job that makes you happy and gives you flexibility to do the things you love.
I am in the process of finding the job that I enjoy. In the meantime I enjoy my free time to the fullest that my budget will allow and spend my time with people who make me smile!

Until next time, don't forget to breathe.